Saturday, December 28, 2019

Gun Control Essay example - 477 Words

Gun Control My response to this comment is that it is based on facts that have been misused and only represents one side of a story that is multifaceted. Many recent studies have shown that gun control is needed in a society like ours today and helps to curb all types of gun related fatalities not just homicides. In Canada, over 3000 firearms are stolen annually. Gun control is needed to be able to trace the usage of guns and the hands they fall into. Many stolen guns are used in violent crimes and are easier to trace when they have been registered; registration has been proven to tie some criminals to their crimes. Studies in Toronto and Edmonton have also showed that a large percentage of†¦show more content†¦Lax gun control laws have also been tied to higher suicide rates and impulsive crimes around the around the world. This is because when guns are readily available impulsive acts such as suicide are easier to partake in. Escalating arguments can also turn deadly in the blink of eye when guns are readily available and at a persons disposal. Many anti-gun control advocates argue that gun control takes guns away from law abiding citizens and leaves them unprotected to heinous criminals who do not comply with the law. If this statement held value, it would allow for an all out warfare. People would end up shooting at each other in defense and create shootouts. Secondly, many guns that are kept in houses as a means of defense end up doing more harm than good. It has been shown that children who live in houses with guns have a higher chance of accidental death by gunshot than those who do not. In areas without gun control it easier for a highschooler to buy ammunition than to buy cigarettes, that to me is disturbing. In previous generations gun control may have not been necessary. In todays society however, there is a prevalent lack of respect for the value of a human life and guns that are readily available add fuel to the already out of control flames. Lastly, gun control does nothing but protect the public. Many Canadian citizens are in favor of it because they have seenShow MoreRelatedGun Control766 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control Paper Gun Control has been an issue that has been brought to the public’s eyes in recent years. This main issue has been going on for many years, for example when John F. Kennedy was assassinated; it raised public awareness to the lack of control on sales and also possession of guns in America. Until 1968 guns were available over the counter in stores and through mail catalogs to just about any adult in America. This was an example of how loosely guns were regulated which bring usRead MoreGun Violence And Gun Control1007 Words   |  5 Pagesshootings and various other methods of gun violence, tens of thousands of people die every year. These gun-related deaths primarily originate from murder and children accidentally shooting themselves. Although those in favor of gun control tend to believe that guns should be terminated completely, the second amendment prevents lawmakers from being able to do so. Therefore, in order to combat these causes, alternative gun control solutions mu st be made for each one. Gun-related murders can be decreasedRead MoreThe Gun Laws And Gun Control965 Words   |  4 Pagesoriginate from the accessibility of guns, but rather the actions of an individual that has disregard for life in today s society. There will always be ways for the offender commit crimes with or without guns. What is being done about gun control? We have all heard of all the tragedies throughout the country regarding guns. According to the President (2013) We know that we cannot stop every act of violence with guns, but what if we tried to stop even one? Weapon controls in the U.S. is structured atRead MoreGun Control For Gun Violence880 Words   |  4 PagesIn 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilitiesRead MoreGuns And Their Effect On Gun Control962 Words   |  4 PagesGuns and the ability to use them have been under attack in the United States and many other places throughout the World. There are groups of people that believe that as long as we have the right to bear arms that many unprotected people will lose their lives due to gun violence. There are many trends that come with gun violence and where these mass shooting occur, but a main one is that when a place legally prohibits carrying a weapon then that is where the most gun violence happens. Where guns areRead MoreGuns And Gun Control855 Words   |  4 PagesThe rise in cases of gun violence and related incidences of assault has drawn the public to the issue of guns and gun control. Such has been evident within the spheres of politics especially with the last election period seeing the incumbent president Donald Trump suggesting on stringent gun control laws. However, despite the acknowledgment of the need to have better gun laws, much ground and consensus has never reached. Such, to an extent, contributed to the current lack of political goodwill withinRead MoreThe I ssue Of Gun Control Essay868 Words   |  4 Pages Gun Control Gun Control. Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. In this website, it discusses the debatable topic of gun control. In the article titled Gun Control, it states that the â€Å"The United States is the leader in per-capita gun deaths among industrial nations.† The main point of this article was to get the point across about the controversy that this has brought into the United States, not only does it quote influentialRead More Gun Control Essay1065 Words   |  5 Pages Gun Control Throughout America there is the constant debate concerning the second amendment or the right to bare arms. One day an innocent kid walking home from school gets shot in a drive by shooting is he just a victim of circumstance or could this of been easily prevented. There are lobbyist for the private ownership of guns and lobbyist for legislation to ban personal possession of guns for good. In this paper I hope that just maybe I can persuade you to think differently on a topic that’sRead MoreThe Assault Of Gun Control920 Words   |  4 PagesGun control has become a hot topic in the United States as of now. There will be those who are for guns and those who are against guns. Those who are for guns, assert that it is our right to bear arms according to the 2nd amendment and those who are against guns, believe that guns are unnecessary and cause more violence. Assault weapons, in particular, have caused too many deaths and the government needs to put a ban on assault weapons. First and foremost, assault weapons have claimed the livesRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control Essay982 Words   |  4 PagesGuns have become a serious issue in today’s society. There have been incalculable incidents that involved a gun causing physical harm to a person. This can occur when guns are not properly stored in a safe location. House Bill 75 has been proposed to help solve this problem. With this bill set in place, if a minor has the ability to access a firearm unauthorized, the person responsible for that firearm will receive criminal penalties. As a matter of a fact, there have been cases reported about

Friday, December 20, 2019

Smri Case Study - 919 Words

As a whole the promise behind the uses of both fMRI and sMRI as biomarkers for determining and testing brain activity in individuals at risk for Alzheimer disease or already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease is great. Separately neither sMRI nor fMRI hold an advantage over the other when it comes to being used as biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. This is because they really measure two separate things within the same structure. sMRI measures the anatomy and pathology of the brain where fMRI measures and examines brain activity. However, the two used in combination with each other are far more advantageous and allows clinicians to track changes in brain structures anatomically and functionally over time as a whole. When it comes to†¦show more content†¦These areas are monitored because Alzheimer’s Disease, a form of dementia, is due to degenerative atrophy of neurons and synapses which cause decreases in activity, functionality, and size, within these areas. This is why Alzheimer’s Disease is bookmarked by memory loss, confusion, disorientation about time and place, poor judgment, and changes in mood, behavior, and personality. However, when it comes to the use of sMRI and fMRI as biomarkers for determining and testing brain activity in individuals at risk for Alzheimer disease the validity of their use is not so straight forward. Making an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease during the early stages of the disease is a hard one to make. Which means making an accurate diagnosis before any clinical symptoms occur is extremely hard. This is why the majority of biomarkers including sMRI and fMRI are only available as a research tool and are not yet accepted in clinical practice when it comes to diagnosing patients before the onset of any clinical symptoms. With the little success Alzheimer’s Disease medications/interventions have had, many researchers have shifted their focus to a new population group. The new population group is patients who do not yet exhibit Alzheimer’s symptoms but whose brains physically show possible pre-Alzheimer’s disease precursors. Researchers want to see if they can find some kind of common deterioration in brain function and structure in pre-Alzheimer’sShow MoreRelatedThe Selection Criteria For These Patients1500 Words   |  6 PagesAnalysis This study sought to find specific neural differences between bipolar patients with a history of delusions versus those without, and it was seemingly successful in doing so. However, before we can accept the results at face value we must first understand the benefits and the limitations of the methodology in order to put the results into context. The study was generally well designed and its findings are for the most part coherent to other literature in the field. This study adequately controlledRead MoreYoung Teens And Risky Behaviors That Affect Their Health And Leave Negative Outcomes On Their Bodies Essay1437 Words   |  6 Pagesthey had sex. 14% did not use any method to prevent pregnancy and 21% had drunk alcohol or used drugs before their last sexual encounter (CDC, 2015).† The statistic previously read only covers 30 percent of people who agreed to participate in the study. There are still teens who either did not want to participate or who are not having any form of sexual activity. From the statistic we can confer that education about sexual health is something that is not being administered in schools and thus willRead MoreThe Effects Of Anterograde Amnesia And Its Diagnostic Criteria2724 Words   |  11 Pagesas other forms of amnesia, but it is still incorrectly portrayed. Anterograde amnesia refers to the inability to retain new information, while still having intact memories that occurred before brain damage (Carlson, 2014). There have been several studies that focus on anterograde amnesia and its diagnostic criteria, course, associated features, assessment, etiology, underling neurobiological mechanisms, treatments, and future research. Researchers mention that there are two forms of long term memoryRead MoreMandatory Minimum Sentencing For The United States Essay1751 Words   |  8 PagesInstitute (SMRI) and founder of the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC), says â€Å"Between 1980 and 1995, the total number of individuals incarcerated in American jails and prisons increased from 501,886 to 1,587,791, an increase of 216 percent. During this time, the general population increased by only 16 percent†, and that shows how Deinstitutionalization has a put people more in jail, instead of taking special care of our mentally ill, and making them into a better member of society. Another study that hasRead MoreThe Effects Of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing On The United States Essay1877 Words   |  8 PagesInstitute (SMRI) and founder of the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC), says â€Å"Between 1980 and 1995, the total number of individuals incarcerated in American jails and prisons increased from 501,886 to 1,587,791, an increase of 216 percent. During this time, the general population increased by only 16 percent†, and that shows how Deinstitutionalization has a put people more in jail, instead of taking special care of our mentally ill, and making them into a better member of society. Another study that has

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blood stain pattern analysis free essay sample

When collecting a blood sample from a blood stain at a crime scene, photography, diagraming, and polilight analysis can all be used. Alec Jefferys is considered to be a pioneer in the genetics laboratory because he came up with the first genetic profile. The techniques that we now use inn forensic science essentially date back to him. 2. Computers are used in finger print analysis to look for specific character traits in the print such as loops, dots, forks, or islands. 3. Edward Foster was a pioneer in fingerprint analysis. He was an expert witness in the Jennings Case, in which he showed the courts that the fingerprints in the wet paint were that of the murderer, Thomas Jennings. 4. The chemist analyse the organic and inorganic parts of a sample. They identify each part through their testings and then the information would be used as evidence in court. 5. France McGill helped pioneer forensic chemistry. We will write a custom essay sample on Blood stain pattern analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In her famouse case Muffins to Die for she identified large amounts of the poison Styrchnine in an elderly couples stomaches. It turns out that the poison was put into bran muffins that their grandaughter had baked for her father. 6. The water tank in the ballistics labratory is used so that scientist can fire a gun and slow the bullet down so they can analyze it while the bullet is still intact. 7. Wilfred Derome helped pioneer balastic analyzes by founding the labratoire de recherches medico-legales de montreal. This was the first forensics laboratory in North America, and the tird in the world. 8. Scetching and measuring a crime scene is important because it diagrams how everything is directly after the crime scene was found. This helps forensic scientist when considering possible actions of the criminal. 9. A crime scene technition would more than likely have a camera, a polilight, measuring tapes or protractors, plastic gloves, sample bags, and figerprint powder on an adverage crime scene analysis. 10. I believe that if I were a crime scene analyzer I would like to look for evidence using a polilight. I have always been interested in the way that fingerprints are everywhere, but sometime they just cant be seen.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

(need help with a title) free essay sample

It seems that I become serene in the most unexpected of times. This can be aggravating, because when I actually try to center myself I feel a visceral rebellion. Though I suppose I should not complain about surprise serenity, as the alternative would be constant chaos. I can tend to gravitate to stress and affliction, but something greater than me has other ideas. Even with a desire to hold on to anger, the gratitude can be too hard to ignore. During school, each step is begrudging. The walls are suffocative. I watch the clock painstakingly. It is not the case that I despise school. Six hours straight of academics for obligatory courses dictated by the proverbial â€Å"them† just gets to me. When the last bell of the day rings, I traverse over into another kind of life. Just beyond high school doors, I feel inspired, important, moved and humbled. There are days this feeling lingers, and others where it will dissipate just as quickly as it comes. We will write a custom essay sample on (need help with a title) or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This particular day was difficult to get through. I was looking very forward to getting home and undertaking the rest of my day with my own intentions. I had no plan how I would get home, but usually a simple phone call suffices. Though when I called my mother telling her I was ready, she told me she was otherwise engaged. I didn’t know who else to call. Stumped, I bitterly began my foot journey home. It would only be a mile, but my backpack was heavy, my feet hurt, and it would take longer than two minutes when I just wanted to get home and relax. In my walk, I only have to take three turns between the campus and my house. On my way to the first turn, I was conjuring ways to nudge my mom for not being able to pick me up. I continued this spiteful thinking until about two blocks after that first turn. All of a sudden the smell of fresh cut grass crept into my nose. It was a smell I usually reserve for summer, I was caught off guard. I then noticed how green it was outside, unusual for October. As I continued on, I saw flowers still proudly flaunting their magnificent colors, and others rushing to bloom before the climate could no longer contain them. I realized I had yet to see a year so stubborn and reluctant to change. Weeks after the Fall Equinox the chlorophyll clung to the plants. A question developed in my head, â€Å"Where would my perspective be if my mom had picked me up?† A smile spread over my face, I tilted my gaze to nowhere in particular and thought, â€Å"Thank you.† In the rushed bustle that my day to day life is, I rarely notice the ever-present beauty and the gifts every moment brings me. My wants get in the way of appreciation, and I forget that I need to ground myself in the now. When moments like this arise the futility of my peevishness becomes obvious. I renew my vow to maintain gratitude towards the world. This sentiment needs to be revived often in my life, and this is why I cherish little moments like this.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Order and Disorder in the Visual Images in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essay Sample free essay sample

Compared to the first act prologues of the other Shakespeare plays wherein the witness is invited to utilize his rational capacities in order to derive understanding [Henry V.Henry VIII.andTroilus and Cressida] .Romeo and Juliet’s prologue invites the witness to use his vision in order to counterbalance for anything that may evade hearing ( Black 245 ) . The rightness of this invitation is apparent. if one considers thatRomeo and Julietis a ocular drama. The narrative every bit good as the calamity is presented to the witness in a series of images and duologues that presents changing grades of the â€Å"star-crossed lover’s†¦fearful passage† towards a â€Å"death-marked love† ( Shakespeare 7 ) . The drama enables the intensification of emotions through the uninterrupted allusion and presentation of reduplicated images and scenes that mimic earlier scenes within the drama. The differences between the scenes. nevertheless. are apparent in the change of the speaker’s tone ensuing from the change of the state of affairs wherein the vocalization was made. We will write a custom essay sample on Order and Disorder in the Visual Images in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such an change. nevertheless. does non simply show the change [ in footings of strength ] of the state of affairss within the drama but they besides mirror the general order and upset evident within Shakespeare’sRomeo and Juliet.This is apparent. if one considers the initial every bit good as the concluding scene wherein Romeo and Juliet were together. It is of import to observe that from the really get downing. the antithetical relationships evident within the play have already been foretold in the prologue as the chorus mentions the â€Å"death-marked† love of the â€Å"star-crossed† lovers and their â€Å"parents’ discord ( and ) †¦rage† . These resistances were subsequently reinforced as act one specifies the antithetical conditions that surround the relationship. Hence. the witness is introduced to the Montague and Capulet feud. This peculiar status between the two households itself will function as the foundational cause of the contrasts that will subsequently result in the play. Such contrasts are apparent in the contrasting subjects of love and hatred. young person and age. every bit good as life and decease in the remainder of the play. As I reckon. such a method of reciting the narrative was utilized by Shakespeare in order to show an history of additive clip [ calendrical and clockwise ] . The usage of calendrical and clock mention set the clip of action as absolute and therefore impersonal and nonsubjective. Such a construct of clip thereby enabled Shakespeare to show an nonsubjective history of events that tend to convey forth extremely affectional and nonsubjective responses from the witness. Furthermore. such a device enables the playwright to hold complete control over the allusions that may be derived from puting a peculiar scene within a peculiar clip. See for illustration. the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet. Set within the Capulet’s sign of the zodiac. the initial meeting of the two was set during the dark at the clip of a mask. Such a scene enabled Shakespeare to utilize assorted images in Romeo’s description of Juliet thereby in the procedure puting Juliet as the direct mention and beginning of extensionality of all the objects within the room or of all the images used by the assorted individual’s take parting in the mask as touching to Juliet entirely. By mentioning to Juliet as a torch that burns bright in the dark. he specifies her as the direct beginning of life ( Shakespeare 54 ) . Such an case shows the mode in which Shakespeare used the imagination of darkness and visible radiation within the aforesaid play. It should be noted that the aforesaid imagination that specifies Romeo’s initial meaning of Juliet serves as an of import background for their initial brush. In their initial brush. Romeo uses spiritual metaphors. Romeo uses the images of the pilgrim and the saint wherein Romeo alludes to himself as the pilgrim in hunt of a saint [ Juliet ] . In the procedure of making this. Romeo entices Juliet to a buss. Rome provinces â€Å"let lips do what hands do / They pray: grant 1000. lest faith bend to despair† ( Shakespeare 57 ) . This initial brush between the two sets the parametric quantities of their relationship for the remainder of the play. It is of import to observe. that this usage of spiritual metaphor enables the sanctification of their love. By imputing deity upon their love and hence their relationship. the ulterior stoping of the drama is ab initio foreshadowed. Such a prefiguration is farther apparent if one considers that both the prologue. which alludes to th e tragic terminal of the play every bit good as Romeo’s initial profession of love. are in sonnet signifier. In this sense. Shakespeare enabled the connexion of their beginning every bit good as their terminal in both content every bit good as in poetic signifier. Such a connexion. nevertheless between the signifier and content evident in the aforesaid may be seen as straight contrary to the content and signifier of the ulterior subdivision of the drama. See for illustration. the aforesaid section’s relation to Act Two. Scene Six and Act Three. Scene One. In the former scene [ Act Two. Scene Six ] . Friar Laurence is depicted as organizing a spiritual brotherhood between Romeo and Juliet as he â€Å"incorporates two in one† ( Shakespeare 111 ) . In the ulterior scene. nevertheless. Romeo is depicted as murdering Tybalt thereby in the procedure enabling the societal division of both lovers. Such a division. nevertheless. bases in direct resistance to the spiritual brotherhood enabled by Friar Laurence. Both scenes. in this sense. depict cases of order and upset within the play. The former scene’s word picture of Romeo and Juliet’s brotherhood foreshadows the ulterior societal brotherhood between the two households. which is tantamount to the incorporation of two feuding households into a 1. The ulterior scene’s word picture of Romeo’s murder of Tybalt. on the other manus. stands as a accelerat or of the proceeding cases of upset within the play. Act Three. Scene One begins with the Mercutio’s brush with Tybalt. The brush. nevertheless. ended with the decease of Tybalt which replaces Romeo’s initial feelings of love thereby get downing â€Å"the suffering others must end† ( Shakespeare 123 ) . It is of import to observe that Mercutio’s decease was brought about under Romeo’s efforts of guaranting peace between Mercutio and Tybalt. In relation to this. it is besides of import to observe that Mercutio is neither a member of the Capulet’s nor the Montague’s. His decease may thereby be seen as brought about by the feud of both households. This is apparent in Mercutio’s concluding words. â€Å"A pestilence o’ both your houses! / They have worms’ meat of me. /I have it. and soundly excessively. / Your houses† ( Shakespeare 123 ) . The importance of Mercutio’s concluding words is apparent. if one considers that his words may function as a judgement. prognostication. every bit good as a expletive to both the Capulet’s and the Montague’s. In relation to this. it is besides of import to observe that his decease and his statements occur at the center of the play. It thereby serves as a turning point as it enables the drama’s alteration from a romantic comedy to that of a calamity. Furthermore. the calamity that ensues from Mercutio’s decease is apparent in the expatriate Romeo brought upon himself as a consequence of Tybalt’s decease. The paradox in the aforesaid state of affairs is apparent if one considers that Romeo’s failed to mind his initial advocate of patience on both Tybalt and Mercutio. The aforesaid subdivisions provide the witness with cases wherein order and upset are apparent in both the ocular images presented within the play every bit good as the order and upset evident in the development of the play itself. The play begins with the chorus informing the witnesss the â€Å"death-marked† love of Romeo and Juliet. Initially. the grounds for such prevarications in the luck of their households every bit good as their destiny. The paradox. nevertheless. is apparent if one considers that the characters within the narrative themselves seek their foretold destiny. Romeo. from the really beginning of the play notes his scruples sing the possibility of his â€Å"untimely death† . Alternatively of evading such a decease. Romeo pursues it through his love for Juliet. Juliet. herself. during the ulterior portion of the drama wishes for decease to come as a consequence of the trouble of their state of affairs. Juliet notes [ as she hears the necessity of Romeo’s expatriate ] that â€Å"if all else fails. myself have power to die† ( Shakespeare 173 ) . Furthermore. the paradox is apparent if one considers that the play depicted cases of decease and metempsychosis. An guiltless decease prophesied by the decease of a corrupt single [ Mercutio ] brought about the cleaning [ and therefore rebirth ] of a societal job [ evident in the feud between the Capulet’s and the Montague’s after the decease of both Romeo and Juliet ] . Order and upset. within the play. is thereby apparent in the cases wherein events of upset [ alteration ] such as the decease of both lovers enabled the fusion of both households and therefore the terminal of a greater signifier of upset. Shakespeare’s playRomeo and Juliet. in this sense. may be seen as stoping the aforesaid play with the synthesis of all signifiers of life through the decease of the young person. Plants Cited Shakespeare. William.The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.Eds. Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square Press. 1992.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Kentucky Derby Essays - Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Derby

Kentucky Derby Essays - Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Derby Kentucky Derby The History of The Kentucky Derby The Kentucky Derby is the most famous and prestigous horse race in the world. It is the first leg of the United States Triple Crown of horse racing. The race became the most famous horse race shortly after it started in 1875. The Kentucky Derby is said to be The most exciting two minutes in sports. Besides the race itself, there are many Derby activities in the previous two weeks, known as the Kentucky Derby Festival. The month of May and the Kentucky Derby is one of my favorite times of the year. Churchill Downs was started by a group headed by a man named M. Lewis Clark in 1874. The group built the track on land owned by the Churchill family of Louisville, Kentucky. The track officially opened on May 17, 1875 and that was the day of the first Kentucky Derby won by Aristides. The first races from 1875-1895 were modeled after the English Derby and were 1 and a half miles long. In 1896 they changed the length of the Kentucky Derby which would prove to be a good decision because from there on it became the most popular race in the world. The Kentucky Derby is the first leg of the United States Triple Crown of horse racing. It is held annually on the first Saturday of May on the world famous Churchill Downs track in Louisville, Kentucky. The race itself is run on a 1 and one-fourth mile dirt track. The race is for the best 3-year-old horses in the world. Most of the recorded times for the race are just over 2 minutes. Only one horse, Secretariat, in 1973 has run the Derby in under 2 minutes. The Kentucky Derby usually has attendences of over 120,000 fans, but millions of viewers watch at home on television. The Triple Crown is the biggest three races in the world. Only eleven Kentucky Derby winners have went on to win the next races, the Preakness and the Belmont Steaks. Some of the most notable Triple Crown winners are Sir Barton in 1919, the first Triple Crown winner, War Admiral in 1937, Whirlaway in 1941, Citation in 1948, Secretariat in 1973, Seatlle Slew in 1977, and Affirmed in 1978. These Triple Crown winners are some of the most famous horses in the history of the sport of horse racing. The fastest Kentucky Derby time was run by Secretariat in 1973, who finished in 1 minute and 59.4 seconds. The slowest Derby winner ever was Kingman in 1891, who ran the Derby in 2 minutes and 52.25 seconds, when the race was still 1 and a half mile. The biggest longshot to win the Derby and the highest paid winner of the Derby was Donnerail in 1913, who paid $184.20 at 91-1 odds. There have been 36 fillies, or female horse who have run in the derby, and 3 of them have won. Fourty-eight favorite horse have won the Derby in 126 runnings, the last favorite to win was this years winner, Fusaichi Pegases. The largest purse for any winning horse was in 1987 when Alysheba won $618,600 for winning the race. The largest crowd for the Derby was in 1975, the 100th anniversary of the Kentucky Derby. Besides the race itself, the two week period before that known as the Kentucky Derby Festival is a favorite time for people in Louisville. For the past several years the Festival has been kicked off 2 weeks before the Derby with Thunder Over Louisville. Thunder Over Louisville is one of the biggest displays of fireworks in North America. Once Thunder Over Louisville has started, the Derby activities begin. There are too many to list, but here are some of the most notable events. The Balloon Glow happens on the next Friday after Thunder, where the balloon are blown up and displayed for families to see. The next morning is the Great Balloon Race if the weather permits it. There are many famous hot air balloons which trail the winner of the event from the previous year and try to hit a target placed somewhere different every year. In the week before the Derby, there is one of the 5 top

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week 5 Discussion-Environmental Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 5 Discussion-Environmental - Essay Example   DDT offers much more benefits in saving lives from the Malaria menace which are  Ã¢â‚¬Å"well worth the risk†. Amir Attaran, Donald  R. Roberts, Chris F. Curtis & Wenceslaus  L. Kilama. (2004)  The pesticide DDT was touted again as â€Å"the most effective way to fight malaria† after being shunned for decades  as â€Å"an environmentally damaging chemical†. The  World Health Organization announced its support  for generally indoor spraying of  the pesticide   DDT specifically   to control the menace of mosquitoes in high risk countries. [Nature, Apoorva Mandavilli (2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But this was not to be, and earlier this year, May (2009), â€Å"the UN agency quietly reverted to promoting less effective methods† to tackle the disease, which is definitely going to affect millions of the world’s poorest sections of society who depend greatly on this effective and affordable material. The UN officials are actually pushing for a â€Å"zero DDT world†, citing a pilot program, that reduced Malaria cases in Mexico and South America by using ‘chloroquine’ pills to unaffected people,†. But the fact is that ‘chloroquine’ is more effective in therapeutic use. In fact, scientists have reservations about the safety of the drug as it has proven to be toxic and can cause heart problems. This drug was effective in the sub-Saharan Africa, where maximum death occurs due to Malaria, but it started failing during 1970’s as the parasite developed resistance against the drug. Even if these drugs worked, they are very expensive for people to afford them and so impractical to be used especially for some of the poorest regions around the world.   So it shows that spraying of DDT is an integral part of  the effort to eradicate Malaria.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although WHO has not totally banned DDT, yet by revoking its approval, it has made things difficult for the poor

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Political science - Essay Example f leadership becomes sparse then individuals will focus on personal objectives and nobody will consider or work towards communal objective for the betterment of their society. Autocratic leaders tend to display inflexible behaviour to their subordinates and demand obedience in all regard. Neither, they consider suggestions from their subordinates nor they belief in equality of any kind. Moreover, these leaders belief in supervision of their subordinates for efficacy of work in their organisations or teams. Lassie-Farie leaders submit all the privileges and control to their subordinates. Subordinates have the liability to determine any course of action and leaders get along with their ideas and plans. However, it is essential for such leaders to have specialized and skilled team workers to progress. Innovative leaders are quick to change and adapt new ideas, their teams are in a constant process of progressing and changing. These leaders inspire their subordinates to share ideas, develop strategic plans and develop new skills. Such leaders produce an environment where change is welcome and is supported by the leaders (Bass,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Incremental Advances in WTO Negotiations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Incremental Advances in WTO Negotiations - Essay Example Agricultural Export Subsidies and Cotton The final declaration requires elimination of agricultural export subsidies by 2013, a date agreed to the European Union (EU). The EU is important to be considered here as it accounts for about 90 percent of such spending. The US along with the developing countries were thinking on lines of 2010 as a deadline as they believed it could suffice better progress. The declaration requires elimination of export subsidies on cotton maximum by 2006. this issue is particularly important for West Africa. The U.S. Congress is likely to repeal U.S. cotton export subsidies already, in order to come in line with an adverse WTO dispute-settlement panel ruling. It would accord them duty-free, quota-free access to cotton from the lesser developed countries. However, this can practically only take effect once implementation starts on any final agreement reached in the Doha negotiations. It states as an objective that any negotiated cuts in domestic support spending for cotton farmers in countries that have such programs would have to go deeper and be put into practice faster than any other domestic agricultural subsidy cuts. The U.S. delegation worked intensively with mediators from Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Chad and Senegal; countries that had threatened to block any Doha agreement without acceptable resolution of the cotton issue. Everyone wants to reduce subsidies and eventually eliminate subsides in agricultural goods, was the general impression at the conference. But here was the argument whether this should be true for all agriculture except cotton, or otherwise. Ultimately, cotton has finally been placed with the rest of its agriculture fraternity. Duty-Free, Quota-Free Market Access The declaration requires the provision of duty-free and quota-free market access for most products from the 32 least-developed countries by 2008 or no later than the start of the implementation period of any agreement. It requires such access for at least 97 percent of products as that fall in line with the tariff schedule. The United States had pressed for exceptions to duty-free, quota-free for specific products that already trade competitively on the global market. The United States has not decided on what products it might exclude from duty-free, quota-free treatment.Sugar may or may not be one possibility.Earlier in the week it was suggested that other possible exclusions, including certain competitive textile products from Bangladesh and Cambodia may be considered. The Doha negotiations have languished almost since they were launched in 2001, with an impasse over politically difficult agriculture issues blocking most other progress. By the end of 2006, they are scheduled to conclude a deadline of sorts for the United States, which has trade negotiating authority from Congress only until

Friday, November 15, 2019

Not For Profit Organizations Prepare Financial Statement Accounting Essay

Not For Profit Organizations Prepare Financial Statement Accounting Essay Contributions are the primary revenue to a Not-for-profit organization. Because of the fundamental accounting of NFPO is different with profit-oriented companies, NFPO has its own accounting method for recognizing contributions. There are two methods of recording contributions are restricted fund method and deferral method. The objective of paper is to identify which method should be used. The restricted fund method recognizes restricted contributions as revenue when they are received. The deferral method recognizes restricted contributions until related expenses are incurred in future period. The paper will illustrate an example to compare the difference between the two methods, analyze the effects on financial statements and advantages and disadvantages of each method. The timing treatment restricted donation is primary difference among two methods. The advantages of deferral method is reduces noise from timing mismatch between when expenses are incurred and when revenues are recog nized. The matching helps avoid misstating cost for a period. It better evaluate the actual performance of organization. And deferral method can help the organization to develop an accounting plan extends beyond the current period which more rational use the contributions. But under the deferral method, it is not clearly presents information regarding how the organization manages the restricted contributions. And deferral of external restricted contributions to a liability may be confusing to the basic users. The restricted fund method will give a different result than deferral method. Restricted fund method is more clearly to present the information regarding restricted contributions how to use. Another advantage is the restricted funds method increasing comparability between current year and previous years in one organization. This is seen as both advantage and disadvantage in the same time. Because of an organization chooses which restricted funds to report, it lack comparability between with two organizations. Choosing an appropriate accounting method is important for nonprofit. It can attract more donations to support organization activities. Organizations should seek the help of professionals to assist it in implementing its accounts. 2.0 Introduction Contributions are the primary revenue to a Not-for-Profit Organization (NFPO). Because the NFPO has characteristics which difference with the for-Profit Organization, its accounting method of recording contributions has own standards in Part III of CICA Handbook-Accounting section. NFPO is required to use the restricted fund method or the deferral method of recording contributions. The purpose of this report is to identify which accounting method should be used to record contributions when Not-for-Profit organization prepares the financial statements. The report will illustrate an example to compare the different between the two methods, analyze the effects on financial statements and advantages and disadvantages of each method. This report is significance because adoption of different accounting method will affect result of financial statement presented. Financial statements are important communication information about NFPO to members, contributors and creditors. Financial statemen ts satisfy their and others interested needs, like the financial condition of organizations and how the management has discharged its stewardship responsibility to those that have provided resources to the organizations, especially important as resources are contributed for specific purposes and management is accountable for the appropriate utilization of such resources. The study is limited to Not-for-Profit Organization. The potentially benefit from this report is for all Not-for-Profit organizations. CICA states that many not-for-profits are subject to reporting requirements such as the production of audited statements or mandatory reporting to funders. (Improved Annual Reporting by Not-for-Profit Organizations.p4) Thus, effective financial report help build an organizations reputation. They can make a support, and can be a key means of reaching new partners and volunteers. 3.0 Background Although the not-for-profit organization applies a separate set of accounting standards in Part III of the CICA Handbook, the Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) emphasizes that the accounting standards for not-for-profit are not a stand-alone set of standard, there should be no differences in accounting between profit-oriented enterprises and non-for-profit organizations when the circumstances and transaction are the some. (CICA. Handbook) In 2008, the AcSB invited not-for-profit organizations to comment on a proposal that would see them use the same system of financial reporting that publicly traded corporations would soon be using. Some respondents opposed change the rules governing the way they report their financial information. When you try to put charitable organizations in the same realm as publicly traded organizations it becomes a challenge because the users of the financial statements have very different needs than a shareholder would have. said Michael Herrea, interim treas urer for the Anglican Church of Canada. If the church was required to use IFRS, Mr. Herrera said it would greatly increase the amount of financial reporting required; the additional information generated would be of no benefit to end users. According to comments received, the AcSB adopted a free choice of the accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations in Part III or IFRSs in Part I of the Handbook. Let us assume that non-for-profit organizations apply Part III of Handbook, which requires recording contributions should adopt restricted fund method or deferral method. 4.0 Definition Not-for-profit organizations have three types of contributions to report: unrestricted contributions, restricted contributions and endowment contributions. Following I will discuss that how three types of contributions are accounted for under the restricted fund method and the deferral method. 4.1 Deferral Method Under the deferred method, unrestricted contributions are automatically recorded as revenue when they are received. Restricted contributions are recorded as revenue until the related expense as been incurred in the future. Endowment contributions are recognized as direct increases in net assets, which are shown in the statement of changes in net assets. Especially, restricted contributions for the purchase of depreciable capital assets are deferred; the revenue is realized as the asset is being amortized. Non-depreciable capital assets, like land, are recognized as increase in net assets. 4.2 Restricted Fund Method The restricted fund method requires the entity must have a general fund and at least one restricted fund. The Unrestricted contributions and investment income are recorded as revenue in general fund. Restricted contributions are recognized as revenue if a restricted fund has been established for that purpose. If no related fund has been established, restricted contributions are treated the same way under the deferred method in general fund. 5.0 Comparison on Deferral Method and Restricted fund Method The primary difference among two methods is timing treatment restricted contributions. This affects the amount of liabilities and revenues reported. There is an example details a NFPO using deferral method and restricted fund method of recording contributions separately blow. The ABC Company is a not-for-profit training organization, funded through an agreement with the Province of AB. ABCs purpose is to provide accounting training program to all accountants in Alberta. ABC received $100,000 from the Province to establish the Princess Royal Scholarship endowment. This amount was invested in debt securities, which generated the $50,000 of investment income. The investment income is restricted for use to provide annual scholarships. $900,000 received from a wealthy and grateful benefactor on Jan 1, 2012 the beginning of its fiscal year. He requested that the money was to be used for purchasing and maintaining a property to house the administrative offices and operating facility. At the July 1, the following item were purchased in cash: Land $400,000; operating facility $300,000, it estimated life of 20 years. At the November 21, a donor contributes $10,000, without restriction for the operation of ABC. $ 25,000 of investment income paid out for Scholarship. In addition, ABC spent $16,000 for the year on maintenance costs for the operating facility. Donations Deferral Method Restricted Fund Method Presentation One fund one general fund; one capital fund; one endowment fund Scholarship As net asset Recognized as revenue in endowment fund Facility Included in deferred contribution; Recognized as revenue until facility expense incurred Recognized as revenue in capital fund Amortization Start to amortize deferred contribution Included in capital fund Interest earned on endowment Included in deferred contribution; Recognized as revenue until scholarships paid out Recognized as revenue in endowment fund Land As net asset As asset in capital fund 6.0 What are the effects on Financial Statements? Primarily the nonprofit organization must produce three important annual financial statements: the statement of financial position, the statement of operation, and the statement of cash flow. Kelly Bourgeois conclude that each component of a nonprofit organizations existence, like organizations programs or projects, is dependent on the organizations financial feasibility. Financial feasibly is accounted for through primarily those three financial statements. One of the principle differences in nonprofit financial statements compared to for-profit entities is the objective of a nonprofit is to realize its socially desirable goals and objectives for the community it serves, rather than to realize a net profit (2003. P16). According to analysis above, financial statements are showed blow. 6.1 Deferral Method ABC The Statement of Operation For the year ended December 31, 2012 Revenue Contributions 58,500 Expense Maintenance expense 16,000 Amortization 7,500 Scholarship 25,000 48,500 Excess revenues over expenses 10,000 ABC Statement of Changes in Net Assets For the year ended December 31, 2012 Unrestricted Investment in Restricted for Total Funds Capital Assets Endowment Net assets at the Beginning of the year - Add: Excess revenues Over expenses 10,000 10,000 Investment in Land 400,000 400,000 Endowment 100,000 100,000 Net assets at end of year 10,000 400,000 100,000 510,000 ABC Statement of Financial Position For the year ended December 31, 2012 Assets Cash and investment 319,000 Capital assets Land 400,000 Operating facility 300,000 Accumulated amortization (7,500) 692,500 1011,500 Liabilities Deferred contributions 501,500 Net assets Invested in capital assets 400,000 Restricted for endowment 100,000 Unrestricted net assets 10,000 510,000 1011,500 6.2 Restricted Fund Method If the ABC adopts the restricted fund method of recording contributions, the different format and results of financial statements will be presented than the deferral method. ABC Statement of Operation For the year ended of December 31, 2012 General Capital Endowment Total Fund Fund Fund Revenues Contributions 10,000 900,000 100,000 1010,000 Interest income 50,000 50,000 Expenses Maintenance 16,000 16,000 Amortization 7,500 7,500 Scholarship 25,000 25,000 Excess of revenues Over expenses 10,000 876,500 125,000 1011,500 ABC Statement of Position For the year ended of December 31, 2012 General Capital Endowment Total Fund Fund Fund Assets Cash and investment 10,000 184,000 125,000 319,000 Capital assets Land 400,000 400,000 Operating facility 300,000 300,000 Accumulated amortization (7,500) (7,500) 10,000 876,500 125,000 1,011,500 Liabilities Deferred contributions Fund balances Invested in capital assets 692,500 692,500 Externally restricted 184,000 184,000 Endowment 125,000 125,000 Unrestricted 10,000 10,000 10,000 876,500 125,000 1,011,500 (Fund balance=Asset-Liability) Under the deferral method, interest is recognized as an increase in the contribution revenue on the statement of operation as scholarship paid out. The operating facility is capitalized and amortization is recorded as expense. The amount of the restricted contribution recognized as revenue for the year is equal to the corresponding expenses incurred. The revenue over expense $10,000 which is unrestricted contribution received. The amount of the contribution not used at the end of the year is recorded as an increase in the liabilities deferred contributions on the statement of position. The deferred contributions decrease when the related revenues are recognized. Land and endowment are recorded as increase in net asset. Under the restricted fund method, the contributions are classified to general fund, capital fund and endowment fund. Each fund has a self-balancing separately. The Contributions and interest earned are immediately recognized as revenues in the corresponding fund. Any e xpenditure related to that fund is deducted from the balance. In this case, using the restricted fund method of recording contributions is better than using the deferral method. Because the restricted fund method is more clearly shows the ABC how to spend the restricted contributions. The restricted fund method makes ABC easy to report activity to its members, donators, and also to any government entity that is charged with the responsibility of overseeing its operation. 7.0 Advantages and Disadvantages Before identify which accounting method should be used of recording contributions for nonprofit, it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of the restricted fund method and the deferral method. In terms of the ABC example this means that two methods would give different results of financial statements. 7.1 Deferral Method Under the deferral method, the recorded deferred contributions are transferred to the income statement as revenue when corresponding expenses been incurred. The contribution revenue is matched to the related expenses in the same accounting period. 7.1.1 Advantages For an accounting perspective, using the deferral method means the contribution revenues expected during a specific accounting period are directly matched to the anticipated expenses during this period. This helps the organization to develop an accounting plan extends beyond the current period which more rational use the contributions. Secondly, the deferral method reduces noise from timing mismatch between when expenses are incurred and when revenues are recognized. The matching helps avoid misstating cost for a period. The mention above, the objective of nonprofit financial statements is assessing whether the organization is achieving its objectives at the lowest possible cost. The deferral method can avoid misstating, for instance, avoid result in understated cost. Thus, it better evaluate the actual performance of organization. 7.1.2 Disadvantages Along with the benefits of the deferral method, there are several disadvantages need to be aware of. Using the deferral method the results of the unrestricted and restricted contributions are combined, and organization-wide totals are presented in the each of the financial statement. The restricted contributions remain unfulfilled are accumulated as deferred contribution. The organizations excess of revenue over expenses for the period represents the increase in resources that are not restricted to cover specific expenses of a future period (Cynthia L. Orr. 1996. P4). Thus, it is not clearly presents information regarding how the organization manages the restricted contributions. Another disadvantage is the restrictions are deferred and not reported until used. Deferral of external restricted contributions to a liability may be confusing to the basic users. 7.2 Restricted Fund Method As mentioned above that the fund accounting must be set up if a nonprofit adopts the restricted fund method. The organization would choose which restricted funds to report, and all similar contributions would be treated in the same manner. 7.2.1Advantages Using fund accounting system to record contributions can help to ensure that organizations use their resources in accordance with the stipulations donors; granting agencies and governing boards impose. Fund accounting segregates the account balances related to its purpose and keeps these funds from mingling with the other accounts of the organization. This ensures that the assets assigned to each fund remain available for the purpose of that fund. And the restricted fund method keeps the organization accountable to the donors who support the organization. Each donor wants to see the nonprofit serve the individuals who need its assistance. When the nonprofit organization issues its financial statements at the end of the year, the contributors can review the performance of each fund. The financial statements identify the money received for each fund and how the organization distributes those funds (Kathy Adams Mclntosh). Thus, the restricted fund method is more clearly to present the i nformation of restrictions. Secondly, choosing the restricted funds to report and treating similar contributions in same manner consistently that is increase comparability between current year and previous years in one organization. This is seen as both advantage and disadvantage in the same time. 7.2.2Disadvantages Because of an organization chooses which restricted funds to report, it lack comparability between with two organizations. Because of this choice, two organizations following the restricted fund method may each report similar kinds of restricted contributions differently. For example, one organization may present contributions restricted for purchasing equipment in a separate restricted capital fund. Another organization may not report a separate capital fund. It results in lacking comparability on similar contributions of two organizations. 8.0 Recommendation Which accounting method is best? This is a matter of what the entity wants to communicate in the financial statements. The best system is a system that gives the members of an organization control over its financial health and portrays this health through their records.(Kelly Bourgeo. June, 2003. p16). So the executive director and board of nonprofit should assess the financial health thought that, the financial statements should be easily comprehensible so that any person taking the time to read them will understand the financial picture; they should be concise and they should clearly show the relationship among the each transaction without confusing detail involving transfers (Kelly Bourgeo. P17). First, I recommend that using fund accounting. Because the fund accounting approach is more clearly presents information regarding how the restrictions are distribution and spent. And it can be effective, especially when accounting reports must be sent to more than one government agency. For example, if a charity receives an endowment for the childcare program, a contribution restricted to support homeless shelter and a grant for providing meals to stray pets, each of these programs is to fall into the jurisdiction of a different government agency. So by creating funds for each program, it is provide each monitoring agency with an accounting of what has been done with the donations received to support each program (Malcolm Tatum. 2012). The organizations determine an appropriate accounting method should determine who the uses of the financial statements will be and what their needs. For a nonprofit, it receives recurring restricted contributions, so donors will be one of the major users. In my opinion, the restricted fund method is better than deferral method. Because the restricted fund method provides donors with simply but robust information on how their contributions are be used. It let users clearly to understand the financial pictures. And it reflects a more accurate accrual basis of revenue recognition for the funds presented than the deferral method. The deferral method may be confusing to users because of recording restricted contributions as a liability. Each method has advantages and disadvantages separately for its use. So organizations should seek the help of professionals to assist it in implementing its accounts. 9.0 Conclusion The not-for-profit organization is required to choose either the restricted fund method or the deferral method of recording contributions when it prepares financial statements. According to analysis above, the timing restriction treatment is the primary cause for some of the more significant reporting and recognition differences. Using the restricted fund method, the restricted contributions are recognized as revenue when they are received. It more clearly presents the information of restrictions for the funds presented. The deferral method recognizes contributions until they are spent. The matching principle helps avoid misstating cost for a period. It better evaluate the actual performance of organization. But it may be confusing to basic users because of deferred restricted contributions as a liability. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the financial reporting objective and on the motivations of organizations manager. The accounting method, on ce selected, all received contributions must been applied that method consistently. The accounting policy seems be changed if the organization changes its method. There is not required to, I recommend that nonprofit uses fund-based structure. If no such fund has been established, restricted contributions are treated the same way as under the deferred contribution method. Choosing an appropriate revenue recognition policy is important. The organizations should seek the help of professionals to assist it in implementing its accounts.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hierarchical Social Structure :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Hierarchical Social Structure Societies begin with a hierarchical structure in which one must begin from the top of its basic structure, through its intermediates, before hitting the bottom of the sociologically defined society. The pyramid scheme begins with a single individual, as presented by Diego Velasquez in The Waterseller of Seville. This painting portrays a cycle of life by its circular patterns and smooth curves, like that of a full moon with its glowing softness as it blends into the clear, midnight sky. At its center is a clear cup filled with water, like the water of life that quenched the dying man’s thirst in a hot desert. It is being passed around three men, who also stand in a circular fashion. They represent one body in different stages of life. The young boy, in his school uniform of a black jacket and white dress shirt, looks at the glass as would a child at a chocolate chip cookie, craving and yearning for that bit of sweet chocolate encased by a soft sugary dough. He is eager and ready to take on the next step of satisfying himself and his thirst for knowledge. The old man on his right is wearing a very bright red cloak that reflects off onto his hands and face, giving it a red g low as well. He reminds one of the story of the red balloon that befriends a young boy while floating round and about in a protective and guiding manner before it was accidentally burst. He too has his hand on the cup as if to receive it from the young boy, as if they are passing this bit of knowledge onto the next stage of life, where he is now present. His hand rests upon a large water jug with such smooth curves, like the soft ripples in a pond after a rock skids across its surface. It contains that bit of knowledge carried through the years from life, flowing as would water. Behind the young boy and man is a more mysterious figure, like a spirit from the netherworld whose face is transparent. He, too, holds a glass in his hand, but unlike the other two, he is actually drinking from it. He is the symbolic representation of a completion in the rites of the glass. In the center, lie both Grant Wood’s American Gothic and Pablo Picasso’s Acrobat’s Family with a Monkey, which represent the basic unit of family.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Agro-Based Industry

Generally, agro-based industry refers to an industry that adds values to agricultural raw materials through processing in order to produce marketable and usable products that bring forth profits and additional income to the producer. Under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010), development of agro-based industry will be focus on increasing utilization of agricultural produce in the production of high value-added products as well as processing activities.Private sector is encouraged to invest in agro-based processing activities such as agriculture related GLCs, subsidiary companies of the agricultural agencies as well as relevant associations and cooperatives. The efforts also will be enhanced to increase participation of individual farmers and fishermen in agro-based processing activities so that the processing of end-products from agricultural industrial commodities will be increase further.However, many of Malaysian food producers are still small enterprises, thus necessary incentive s and expertise will be provided to encourage the agro-food producers to upgrade the quality of their products through practicing Good Manufacturing Practices (GM), Quality Assurances Programme (QAP), Hazard Critical Control Point (HACCP), ISO and other International Quality Standards. Besides, during the Ninth Malaysia Plan period, agro-based industry will be centered on innovation-based product development.Furniture and furniture components manufacturers will be encouraged to focus on innovative product design and quality as well as expand their product range to include high-end niche products while improving existing activities. Measures will be undertaken to aggressively promote exports of high quality products in compliance with ecolabelling requirements to sustain market share as well as diversify into new markets. Issue Related – Food Crisis The food crisis situation seen in 2007 and 2008 with a sharp increase in asic food prices highlights the extreme vulnerability of the current agricultural and food model. The global food crisis is currently concentrated primarily in urban areas, where people in rural areas also suffering from the food crisis. The sharp price increases are beginning to cause widespread hunger as many families are using as much as 75 percent of their income for food. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the food crisis has left after another 925 million people in hungry.The number of people suffering from malnutrition before the rise in the price of food in 2007 was 850 million, and it become 925 million in the same year which increased by 75 million. In fact, the current food crisis is already affecting directly or indirectly half of the population worldwide more than three billion people. There are several factors which causes the sharp increase in global food prices, such as the increased demand for food generally.While production around the world has been increasing, consumption for food, feedstock, biofuels and other commercial uses has been growing at an even faster rate. Besides, there are many natural disasters globally like floods and droughts. Drought in some major producing areas also contributes to the higher food price. Drought is affecting Australia, the Balkans and the former Soviet Union. Other factors such as mold are affecting grain production in South Asia.On the other hand, the increased demand for animal protein also one of the causes for higher food price. More affluent societies use large amounts of grain for conversion into dairy, eggs and meat. Conversion uses far more grain than if people simply ate the grain themselves. There have been tremendous increases in China and India, but also in other countries where standards of living are rising. Implications of the Global Food Crisis Food security is defined as physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet dietary needs.The threes aspects of food security includes foo d availability, access and adequacy, where these three basic aspects must be attained for a country in order to achieve national food security. Due to the global food prices continue to rise and thereby ensuring food security is currently one of the greatest challenges facing by the world community. This challenge is most critical in low-income and food-deficit African countries. The reports from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have revealed that 36 countries are in the crisis globally, whereas 20 of these countries are in the Africa.More to the point, food safety and food security are closely linked with each other. When food is in short supply, individuals are mainly concerned with satisfying hunger and are not compelled to consider food safety or even the quality of food. They will consume fewer fruits and vegetables but more fatty foods and staples that are low in energy and nutrients. This imbalanced diet has implications for the prevalence of obes ity and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.Besides that, lack of access to food influences food intake will result in impacting the health and nutritional status of households. Among the world’s undernourished children, most of them are come from sub-Saharan Africa. In detail, the food crisis has resulted in about 200 million Africans are hungry and malnourished where 31 million are under the age of five. Malnutrition contributes to poverty because it causes or aggravates illness, lowers cognitive function and thus educational attainment, and reduces productivity.Food access, adequacy and quality are required to ensure that food security ultimately leads to an active healthy life for the individual as food is necessary for growth, resistance to or recovery from disease, and also necessary for physical work. In the long term, this crisis will result in impaired mental development, diminished learning ability, reduced work productivity, and the nu trition-related diseases. Conclusion As a conclusion, there is an immediate need and solutions for food crisis in order to prevent hunger and ensure the populations have access to safe food at the same time.For example, raising the investments in environmentally sustainable agricultural productivity, better risk management tools, less food intensive biofuel technologies, and climate change adaptation measures are all necessary to mitigate the impact of expected food price volatility on the most vulnerable. On the whole, the involvement, cooperation, and collaboration between the health sector and other sectors play the main role to address the challenges associated with food access, adequacy, quality and safety by strengthen the design and implementation of food and nutrition policies.References Driving Agriculture: Making Agro-based A Key Economic Engine. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from Food Crisis – Causes, consequences and alternatives. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from Food Price Watch – February 2011. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from Ninth Malaysia Plan to Strengthen Agriculture and Agro-based industry. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from The Causes of the Global Food Crisis. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from The Global Food Crisis: Implications for the Health of People in the African Region. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from

Friday, November 8, 2019

Why the United States dropped essays

Why the United States dropped essays Why the United States dropped the Atomic Bomb: Persuasive Essay The atomic bomb is the subject of much controversy. Since its first detonation in 1945, the entire world has heard the aftershocks of that blast. Issues concerning Nuclear Weapons sparked the Cold War. We also have the atomic bomb to thank for our relative peace in this time due to the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The effects of the atomic bomb might not have been the exact effects that the United States was looking for when they dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively (Grant, 1998). The original desire of the United States government when they dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was not, in fact, the one more commonly known: that the two nuclear devices dropped upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki were detonated with the intention of bringing an end to the war with Japan, but instead to intimidate the Soviet Union. The fact of Japan's imminent defeat, the undeniable truth that relations with Russia were deteriorating, and competition for the division of Europe prove this without question. Admittedly, dropping the atomic bomb was a major factor in Japan's decision to accept the terms laid out at the Potsdam agreement otherwise known as unconditional surrender. The fact must be pointed out, however, that Japan had already been virtually defeated. (McInnis, 1945) Though the public did not know this, the allies, in fact, did. Through spies, they had learned that both Japan's foreign minister, Shigenori Togo and Emperor Hirohito both supported an end to the war (Grant, 1998). Even if they believed such reports to be false or inaccurate, the leaders of the United States also knew Japan's situation to be hopeless. Their casualties in defending the doomed island of Okinawa were a staggering 110,000 and the naval blockade which the allies h...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Viet Minh and Indochina essays

Viet Minh and Indochina essays The role the Viet Minhs leadership played in the defeat of the French in the first Indochina War can be identified by examining several relevant pieces of information. Firstly the personal strength of the three key figures leading the Viet Minh, secondly the weakness of the French both in Indochina and domestically combined with their use of unsound, badly thought-out tactics. This was coupled with the large scale support of the Viet Minh by the Peoples Liberation Army (PLC) of China, in conjunction with a breakdown in post-war colonialism worldwide. All these factors must be examined to correctly identify the significance of the role of the Viet Minhs leaders. Ho Chi Minh, the man who established the Viet Minh (VM) in May 1941, probably played the greatest role of anybody in the war, between 1946-54 and is now by far the most well known character of the period. Ho played a cameo role in the VMs military success however he knew basic guerilla warfare tactics, was extremely knowledgeable in most areas of the war and was fiercely determined. "You (the French) will kill 10 of our men and we will kill one of yours. But in the end it will be the French, and not us, that will tire of it."- Ho Chi Minh (1946) He did not even play a large role in the political leadership of the Viet Minh. Hos main role was to unite the Vietnamese people under a nationalist banner belying a communist rgime. He knew that to gain sufficient support he would have to appeal to the peasants who made up 90% of the population. This was not difficult as the peasants were fed up with the steep land taxes, inhumane working conditions and the egotistic attitude of French leaders. They saw the VMs objective as a nationalist movement rather than a communist one. It was also Ho Chi Minh that gained the support of the PLA, which ultimately changed the outcome of the war and the Viet Minhs victory over the French was ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Shawshank Redemption and its Relation to Greek Mythology Term Paper

The Shawshank Redemption and its Relation to Greek Mythology - Term Paper Example Narrated by an older prisoner named Red, the film gives its viewer information about Andy primarily through the external perspective Red provides, and Red sees in Andy many reasons to pay close attention. Red’s way of telling Andy’s story is one of the first attributes of the film to hint at the possibility that Andy is a larger than life character of potentially mythic—and heroic—proportion. Since the film is set in the 1940s, the viewer instantly recognizes differences in the legal system as well as the treatment of prisoners from how those things are today. This remove from contemporary times serves to emphasize the mythical atmosphere of the film, so the viewer more readily accepts the ideas set forth. We quickly identify Andy as a person of uncommon qualities. Although he comes from a middle class background and has no prior criminal record, he maintains his composure during his transition into prison and his first overnight. As the more experienced inmates make bets about who will cry during their first night in prison, some put their money on Andy. They are disappointed to find that not only is he not the first to cry, but he does not make any sound at all. As soon as Andy arrives at the prison, he is subjected to cruelty, abuse, and even torture. Although he fights against the prisoners who torment him, he is outnumbered by them and can not protect himself. From this early point in the film, one can identify the features of the mythological hero in Andy. According to Campbell, the hero often finds himself in a world that suffers from a â€Å"symbolic deficiency,† and feels compelled to set it right (30). The deficiency can be spiritual, as in a fallen world, or it can be physical, as in a world of ruins (Campbell 30). It is undeniable that the world Andy descends into when he arrives at the prison is deficient. He has to pull a maggot out of his food during one of his first meals, he suffers physical abuse from prisoners and guards alike, and above all else he is serving a prison sentence for a crime he did not commit. Considering this, it seems his prison world’s deficiency is merely an extension of the greater societyâ €™s depravity. Despite the phenomenal abuse, Andy’s mind remains solvent and he maintains his ability to plan and strategize. When he overhears one of the prison guards, Captain Hadley, complaining about the money he is going to lose to taxes, Andy seizes the opportunity. Although it is an immense risk, he presents Hadley with financial advice that eventually results in the exchange of Andy’s financial services for goods provided by Captain Hadley. Andy does not ask Hadley for something for himself, but instead requests cold beers for all his workmates that were with him that day, a seemingly selfless action. This kind of selflessness and largesse is evident also in the actions of the hero figure in mythology. Wright describes mythological heroes as people who â€Å"through extraordinary actions, save the group, change the world,† and commit other meaningful acts (146). For example, Heracles of Greek mythology possessed incredible physical strength that gave him the power to change things in his environment for the better (Grimal 185). He defeated a beast that was causing problems for herders, and killed the Stymphalian birds that were destroying Arcadian crops (Grimal 187). Heracles used his physical abilities to engage in these selfless, world changing actions. Though Andy did not slay beasts in prison, he did devote energy toward significant and world changing activities. Buying beers for his friends was not the limit of Andy’s meaningful acts. Not long after he made the request for

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Cadre of New Managers and its Control Case Study

A Cadre of New Managers and its Control - Case Study Example They also use two different crafts like the Airbus A320, which carries around 150 passengers and the Embraer E190 that carries 100 passengers. They also use E190 crafts for short-distance flights and the A320 for long distances. This strategy helps them to save on fuel as well as make maximum profit at the same time. Concurrently, they guarantee excellent customer service and travel. The financial performance of the company has been affected by various factors such as the increase of oil price, reduced number of passengers using flights and poor weather conditions among others. The profits have been dropping since 2003. Even though JetBlue made losses in the year 2005 and 2006, it made profits of $18 million (Rovenpor, N.D.). The financial reports of the company have been positive and increasing steadily unlike in some of their competitors who have gone into bankruptcy or merged with other companies as a survival tactic (Weil, 2007). There are many factors affecting the airline industry today and most of them are linked to the International Economy. These factors include oil prices, flight demands by passengers, the luggage carried, types and state of crafts and the routes they ply, and lastly, the nature of airports and geography of their countries or cities of destination (Lange,  2010).  

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Red Scare in US and Canada Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Red Scare in US and Canada - Research Paper Example But upon comparing the American Red Scare to the Red Scare that occurred in its closest neighbouring country, Canada, one can see that America’s actions during the Cold War were perhaps more overt than any other country, but actually tended to be more representative of first world countries during the Cold War. The United States had a significantly more public Red Scare than did Canada. Canada did not suffer through the same sort of public trials in front of Congressional comities, like the US, nor were famous Canadian Film stars targeted and dragged in front of Cameras to answer questions.1 There was no public black list in Canada, unlike in the United States, where everyone knew what individuals were suspected of â€Å"un-American† activates (Whitaker, 18) Canada likewise faced fewer elements of propaganda asking them to fear for their surroundings and report any activities they felt suspicious of. While the United States played out the Red Scare on a grandiose stage in full public view, Canada's was held a secret affair largely ignored until one's personal life became directly affected by the witch hunt. This had both positive and negative implications for the Canadian population. The lack of publicity surrounding the Red Scare likely meant that the average Canadian was perhaps less fearful than his or her American counterpart, due to being less frequently bombarded with fearful rhetoric and not seeing as many people targeted by allegations. It also meant, however, that there was a noticeable lack of transparency in the Canadian Red Scare experience. One would often not know any avenues to appeal the negative treatment which he had been experiencing, and could not publicly defend himself. Furthermore, the lack of transparency meant that the general population could not weigh in on the proceedings; in the United States McCarthyism, due to its publicity, flared up but quickly died out, consumed by itself (Kimmel, 321). The Canadian Red Scare, how ever, was able to smoulder outside of the public eye, still affecting ordinary Canadians while not perceptible to the general public. Canada also lacked any sort of permanent safeguard to their citizens civil rights, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms still being four decades away, so it was easier for Canadian authorities to, for instance, hold people without charges in Canada than in the United States. A stealthier Red Scare certainly does not mean a less significant Red Scare, nor a 'better' one. While the way in which the Red Scare occurred in Canada was markedly different than in the United States, these differences were largely superficial. Canada's goals during the Red Scare, for instance, along with the reasons that Canadians felt threatened, were identical to those in the United States. In Canada, as in the United States, the principal concern was that Communisms and Communists in particular had already infiltrated society at great depth, and were engaging in Soviet espiona ge in an attempt to overthrow Western democracy (Spardellati, 496). Canadians perceived this both as a threat to their society, a moral degradation that could hurt both families and damage the foundation of society, and therefore an inherent risk to democracy, which was already perceived as being possibly by weak due to the outcome of German democracy before the second world war. Canadians thought communism was a direct

Monday, October 28, 2019

West Jet Case Study Essay Example for Free

West Jet Case Study Essay Strengths The greatest strength of WestJet is their brand image. Through their superior customer service, WestJet has become one of the most trusted brands as well as Canada’s preferred airline. (Anonymous, 2011), (marketing weekly news, 2012) One of the most important strengths of WestJet is their ability to provide low fares to consumers because of their low cost structure. (Yannopoulos, 2011) A key strength for WestJet has been the ability to achieve success through a great corporate culture, and using Strategic hiring, training, and rewarding service oriented employees. They understand the importance of top-down commitment by management. (Karp, 2011), (Ostrower, 2012), (Carr, 2011) Weaknesses By only having one size of airplane, WestJet is restricted to number of flight destinations. Consumers may find alternative options such as flying from the United States of America. (Sherlock,2012) Another drawback of having one size of airplanes limits the capacity of flyers. (Karp, 2012) Opportunities There will always be a reason for people to fly whether it’s for business or pleasure and they will always look for the lowest possible cost. In fact WestJet is actually seeing fewer empty seats. (The Ottawa Citizen, 2012) Increase international growth by acquiring more Code sharing partners. (Sorensen, 2010), (Transportation Business Journal, 2012) By agreeing with Bombardier to include smaller turboprop airplane WestJet can expand into smaller domestic markets without the risk of having to increase fees. (Ostrower, 2012), (Cameron, 2012), (David, 2012) Threats With Air Canada not performing so well, the Canadian government might allow foreign up-starts into the market. (Sorensen, 2012) Surface transportation (automobiles, buses, rail transportation) could take away customers for short-haul trips. A recession might slow the amount of people travelling. (Deveau, 2011) Price of oil could increase fees. (Cameron, 2012), (Deveau, 2011) Bad weather could prevent travel to certain destination. Issues Analysis 1. WestJet has been in the industry for over 15 years and has built its reputation giving customers great value by offering low fares with exceptional customer service. 2. Face competition from Air Canada and surface transportation services. 3. With only three kinds of airplane, maintenance cost remain low but WestJet can only offer economy class and can only fly to limited destinations. 4. Even though Air Canada is the leader in this market, WestJet is the favorite among flyers because of their superior customer service and added features (i.e. Seatback TVs, Web check-in, more legroom, etc) Recommended Alternatives I suggest that WestJet go after the business traveler because this segment spends a lot of money and has a high frequency of flying. However, it should not ignore the seasonal or occasional traveler because this is the segment does contribute to the growth of the company and has helped West Jet reach the level it’s at right now. Product: * Air service to 76 destinations in Canada, the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean. (PR Newswire Association, 2012) * Increase the size of their aircraft and add other international destinations such as cities in Europe and Asia. (Transportation Business Journal, 2012) * Expand to other domestic markets that have not been reached. (Ostrower, 2012) Place: * Online * Travel Agencies Price: * Prices vary depending season, destination, and amount of seats left on the airplane * Domestic Flight (ex. Toronto to Montreal) $155 $200 * Domestic Flight (ex. Toronto to Vancouver) $400 $500 * US Flight (ex. Toronto to Orlando) $175 $400 * Sun Destination (ex Toronto to Kingston, Jamaica) $250 $500 (All prices are quoted for the summer of 2012 through Promotion: * Online * TV * Radio * Billboards * Sponsorship * Loyalty or Rewards programs such WestJet Dollars. (Cropp, 2012), (Braidwood, 2012) Selection of the best Alternatives Product: West Jet should try to increase their market share by getting into the smaller domestic markets. With the agreement with Bombardier to introduce a new set of smaller turboprops (propeller planes) that consumes less fuel and seats a lower amount of passengers is a great fit. This will help West Jet to keep their operating cost low and should keep fares low for the consumers as well. Place: Web booking and travel agencies are the best places to book a flight. Online gives the consumer convenience booking while travel agencies are good for those who prefer to speak a person and/or are uncomfortable booking online. Price: As mentioned above, prices do vary depending season, destination, and amount of seats left on the airplane. With the new smaller turboprops, West Jet should be able to maintain their low fares versus their competition. Promotion: With most people booking flights online, the best promotions should be right on the so that they can help drive traffic to their website. In addition, have special deals emailed to current base of customers or those who book a flight with WestJet. Conclusion I believe the greatest advantage that WestJet has is a positive image from both consumers and employees, they kind of go hand in hand. Because WestJet has great incentive program for their employees, it helps drive home the idea that great customer service is number one. When your front line workers (the ones that have the most interaction with your customers) are treated well and are recognized for their hard work, the company and customer both win. I think their model of low operating costs, between smaller hubs, with only one kind of airplane was a great strategy to get them where they are now. However, I can in vision in the next 10-15 years WestJet stepping up to include a larger airplane that can travel into more foreign destinations because long-haul flights generate the most amount of money. Work Cited Canadas most trusted brands in 2011. (2011). Marketing, 116(6), 17-21. Retrieved from Yannopoulos, P. (2011). Defensive and offensive strategies for market success. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(13), n/a. Retrieved from Karp, A. (2011). WestJets VALUE PROPOSITION. Air Transport World, 48(1), 46-50. Retrieved from Ostrower, J. (2012, May 02). Bombardier wins WestJet order for turboprop planes. Wall Street Journal (Online), pp. n/a-n/a. Retrieved from WestJet; WestJet is canadas preferred airline. (2012). Marketing Weekly News, , 1282. Retrieved from Sorensen, C. (2010, May 31). READY FOR TAKEOFF: WestJets big plans to conqure air canada and then the world. Macleans, 123, 35-35. Retrieved from Carr, D. F. (2011). Westjet cuts costs with crowdsourcing. Informationweek Online, , n/a. Retrieved from WestJet ranks globally as a top 10 airline. (2012, Jul 10). Canada NewsWire, pp. n/a. Retrieved from Cameron, D., Pearson, D. (2012, Jul 09). Propeller planes, fueled by economics, take off; at current oil prices, props make more sense for carriers than smaller jets. Wall Street Journal (Online), pp. n/a-n/a. Retrieved from Sherlock, T. (2012, Jun 18). Millions of canadians flying out of U.S. airports. The Vancouver Sun, pp. A.1. Retrieved from Airlines, aviation; WestJet and korean air launch code-share agreement. (2012). Transportation Business Journal, , 109. Retrieved from Deveau, S. (2011, Jan 20). Analysts split on investment merits of air canada vs. WestJet; labour talks ahead. National Post, pp. FP.14. Retrieved from Canada; fewer empty seats at WestJet, air canada. (2012, Jul 06). The Ottawa Citizen, pp. E.3. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

DSL or Cable Essays -- Internet Computers Web Technology Essays

DSL or Cable Everyday there are millions of people connecting to the Internet. The Internet is made up of networks of computers linked together around the world where people can chat, shop, instant message, and e-mail each other. With so many people connecting one might wonder how all of these millions of people are connecting to the Internet. There are many different options for people to use to connect to the Internet, such as dial-up, DSL, Cable, and Satellite. Dial-up internet connection uses the telephone line; this is the oldest connection that has been around since the 1990’s. The newest type of connection would be the satellite connection, which is not very popular right now because of the high cost. The two most popular choices that people are using today are DSL and Cable. These are the two internet connections that will be compared to see which one is right for you. DSL vs. Cable: What is the difference? DSL DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line, which is a method of moving information over a telephone line. â€Å"A DSL circuit is much faster than a regular phone connection and the wires coming into the subscriber’s premises are the same (copper) wires used for regular phone service ( The copper wires have lots of room for carrying more then normal telephone calls, carrying this extra information does not disturb a telephone conversion. Most all homes and small business use a type of DSL called asymmetric. Asymmetric DSL â€Å"divides up the available frequencies in a line on the assumption that most Internet users look at, or download, mush more information than they send, or upload. Under this assumption, of the connection speed from the internet to the user is three to four times faster... ...h the service being down. I also like the fact that they give discounts to customers that have cable television with them. Although Cox Internet connection is not available in all areas in Phoenix yet, they are working to get everyone a chance to connect to the Internet. Whether you chose DSL or a Cable provider, make sure you are happy with the services you are being provided, because the companies are working quickly to be available in all areas. So if you are not happy, check to see if other services are available in your area. Bibliography . â€Å"DSL vs. Cable Modem†. June 15, 2004. . â€Å"High speed Internet access†. June 17, 2004. . â€Å"Internet Options in Phoenix†. June 15, 2004. . â€Å"How DSL and cable modems work†. June 16, 2004. . â€Å"DSL facts†. June 14, 2004.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homeless Assistance :: essays research papers fc

a. Issue: Should the homeless assistance program in Sacramento be reformed to give more money to the homeless while allowing them to apply to the program more than once? b. Facts: Currently in Sacramento, the homeless can apply for homeless assistance only once in their lifetime except for certain extenuating situations. The current program is a success. The amount of people in the program living below the poverty line has fallen 21% in the last seven years. Since 2000, the amount of families applying for the program has dropped 69%. Experts claim the fall in numbers comes from the fact that people can't apply more than once. In 1996, the homeless were allowed to apply for assistance more than once in their lifetime, but this was changed as the experts thought there were too many abuses. Now the only time one can get assistance more than once is if the family finds itself homeless again because of domestic violence, the sudden inhabitability of their home, or certain physical or mental illnesses. While these exceptions are good and cover a good deal, they don't get most of the homeless. The program also comes with certain snags. One of these is that the rent o f the housing the assistance goes to must be less than 80% of the maximum amount CalWORKS gives for a family of the same size. The amount of money families have to pay after the assistance to keep the housing usually comes out to about 2/3 of the salary. With the rising housing prices, analysts predict that it is going to be increasingly harder for the homeless to get housing, first time or not. c. Arguments: This issue pretty much breaks down into two sides. Those who wish to change the system (the homeless and their advocates) versus those who defend the status quo (the government). The government's side is simple. This program is a success right now and many people are getting out of poverty. The state also recognizes that California is in a massive debt. Funding for the program, while possible, is not fiscally responsible. As for not allowing the homeless to apply for assistance multiple times, the government holds that there were too many abuses. I could not find any numbers as to how many abuses there have been. Apparently the number was rather high. In the government's eyes, this program is a success and doesn't need to be tampered with.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jimmy Sevile: Icon in Life, Sexual Predator in Death Essay

Child abuse and pedophilia is absolutely rife, not just in Britain but all over the world and most people have no idea the kind of scale we are looking at. Perhaps equally as shocking, the people being exposed as ring-leaders in the abuse cases are often high profile celebrities and well known public figures. The information that becomes public over the coming weeks and months could shatter not just the BBC, but the whole country from top to toe, as entertainers, public figures and even former Prime ministers and current politicians are being exposed as child abusing pedophiles. This isn’t just a cover up, it is one of the biggest scandals of all time orchestrated by apparently respectable members of the British establishment. That a BBC children’s presenter, Sir Jimmy Savile, was also one of the UK’s most active serial pedophiles is still a shock that is reverberating throughout the United Kingdom. Sir Jimmy Savile, was a TV and radio presenter who fronted various kid’s shows for the taxpayer funded BBC. The most famous of his shows was called Jim’ll Fix It where kids all over the UK would write letters to him personally to ask if the show could grant their various childish wishes. This was allegedly comissioned after complaints about Savile’s sexual interest in children had surfaced. Savile is estimated to have raised ? 40 million for charity. One cause for which he raised money was Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where he volunteered for many years as a porter. He raised money for the Spinal Unit, NSIC (National Spinal Injuries Centre), and St Francis Ward – a ward for children and teens with spinal cord injuries. Savile also volunteered at Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor Hospital. In August 1988, he was appointed by junior health minister Edwina Currie chair of an interim task force overseeing the management of Broadmoor Hospital, after its board members had been suspended. Savile had his own room at both Stoke Mandeville and Broadmoor. In 1989, Savile started legal proceedings against News Group Newspapers after the News of the World published an article, in January 1988, suggesting he had been in a position to secure the release of patients from the Broadmoor Hospital who were considered â€Å"dangerous†. Savile won on 11 July 1989; News Group paid the legal costs, and he received an apology from editors Kelvin MacKenzie and Patsy Chapman. In 2012, it was reported that Savile had sexually abused vulnerable patients at the hospitals. It was reported that the civil servant who proposed Savile’s appointment at Broadmoor was investigated by police and prevented from working with children. From 1974 to 1988, Savile was the honorary president of Phab (Physically Handicapped in the Able Bodied community). He sponsored medical students performing undergraduate research in the Leeds University Research Enterprise scholarship scheme, donating more than ? 60,000 every year. In 2010, the scheme was given a commitment of ? 500,000 over the following five years. Following Savile’s death in October 2011, it was confirmed that a bequest had been made to allow continued support for the programme. The ramifications of the story are however far bigger than just another stomach turning media scandal. In his lifetime Savile had been embraced at the very heart of the British establishment. He was entertained by the Prime Minister Margret Thatcher at chequers, blessed by the Pope and Knighted by the Queen. It has recently come out that in the 1980? s he was taken on by the UK’s Conservative Government to look after a high security mental hospital, Broadmoor, where it appears he was given his own set of keys despite no related qualifications or training whatsoever. It remains a mystery to many why Her Majesty’s police never managed to catch the man. Scotland Yard now describe him as â€Å"one of Britain’s worst sex offenders†. Furthermore some people are saying his sexual predilictions were a bit of an open secret at the BBC in the 1960? s and 1970? s so it’s troubling to think that he was not screened out of the British Royal Family’s social circle by an organisation such as MI5. One thing is clear, Sir Jimmy Savile operated underneath the nose of the UK’s establishment and only in the aftermath of his death did anyone dare take him on. Jimmy Savile was at the centre of this Pedophile ring that procured children for well-known figures in the British Establishment, including former British Prime Minister, pedophile and murderer Edward Heath. The perverted life of Jimmy Savile was exposed as a pedophile and necrophiliac by researchers such as David Icke as far back as the 1990s, but, people just ridiculed the accusations and the police, media, politicians and of course the BBC have all covered it up. In August 1988, shortly before the publication of a highly critical report into its operating procedures, the entire management board of Broadmoor secure psychiatric hospital was suspended by the Department of Health, which at the time had joint responsibility for its direct management. The running of Broadmoor, the highest-profile facility of its kind in the country and the home to many of Britain’s most notorious criminals, was placed in the temporary control of a â€Å"taskforce† to be headed up by an unexpected figure, Jimmy Savile. West London Mental Health NHS Trust, which now runs the hospital, believes Saviles involvement as a volunteer began in the late 1960s or early 70s. He had his own office in the grounds of the hospital, a bedroom and his own personal set of keys to the hospital wards. Savile also has some ties with Peter Sutcliffe known as the Yorkshire Ripper. Jimmy Savile, became very good friends with the mass murderer while doing voluntary work at Broadmoor. The vast majority of the victims currently coming forward allege that Jimmy Savile abused them. But detectives announced that they were mounting a full criminal investigation after some of the hundreds of people who have come forward in response to the unfolding scandal made allegations that they were abused by other individuals who are still alive. It is understood that most of these claims of sexual abuse relate to people who were associated with Savile in some way. The Savile case is just the tip of the iceberg because pedophilia is widespread amongst the ruling class of the world but it’s easily covered up. If the police investigation gets too close to people at the top there will be another cover up. A few more celebrity names will be charged and that will satisfy the public’s demand for prosecutions but those at the top will once again escape justice. Ritualistic satanic child sex abuse is real. It’s widespread especially within the ruling elite and it’s up to all of us to expose it and put an end to it. If Savile had been exposed while he was alive he would have taken many famous people down with him including those within the British Establishment.